Post by JohnOI'm selling my Safari $70K. If interested call (760) 377 4478 for a bunch
of extras.
Starting on a Hummingbird, Stu?
Nope. I've got a Helicycle kit under construction. Just can't get around
the more expensive Hummingbird. I should probably just bite the bullet.
The Hummingbird is probably the best experimental helicopter out there. If
Brad ever did a smaller two seat ship, I would be interested for sure.
I can't see that ever happening though. One thing to re-issue an
existing certified design as experimental, but another thing
altogether to get a new design out there - especially in competition
with a established designs such as RW and Safari.
What would be the main advantages of a 2 seat HB over a Safari?
Brad seems to use more engineering and is much more intune with things like
design life issues that are based on engineering calculations and not just
what I call "rectal extraction" estimates. I personally don't think that
either the RW or the Safari have really done it right yet. Both have
problems that could be fixed with the proper dose of some engineering. That
said, the market base is small enough to make spending the $ that it might
take to do that engineering is probably not going to be available.
It would be cool if Sikorsky/Schweitzer ever gave up building 2
seaters and allowed the 269 design to be taken over for experimental
home builders though!
The Brantly should be a candidate for that conversion. The B2B uses a VO
engine from Lycoming and they are charged gobs and gobs for the special
engine. This forces their prices up a bit.
From experience with the horizontal to vertical conversion used in the
Safari, a home built Brantly could save maybe $40K plus just in the engine
itself. The Brantly is a very easy to fly helicopter but needs some
altitude performance enhancement that someone like Brad could probably
figure it out. Yeah I know. The Brantly is what was in the guy's mind when
he coined the term "Butt Ugly"..